Student Award in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

About The Award

An award, in the amount of $4,000, will be given annually to a woman university or college student * who advances equity, diversity and inclusion within and/or outside their institution through outstanding dedication and excellence or community outreach and activism.


Students should demonstrate an exceptional commitment to and engagement with a particular issue of social justice, community, and/or community organization.  Such community activism can take place on or off campus. Regions are defined as follows, and eligibility shall rotate among them:

  • Western Provinces (2028)
  • Quebec (2025) 
  • Atlantic Provinces (2026)
  • Ontario (2027)  


1. Strong academic performance.

2. Evidence of leadership with respect to equity, diversity and inclusion, through such activities as:

  • involvement in student organizations
  • participation on committees (student committees and university committees)
  • organization of special events, conferences, etc.
  • involvement in advocacy groups
  • involvement in volunteer organizations, within the campus setting and/or in the general community.


Each institution in the designated region may nominate one person for the award. The institution shall also be responsible for the appointment of a nominating committee for the award and for providing the Selection Committee with all necessary documentation in support of the nomination, including:

  • biographical data**
  • curriculum vitae
  • academic records
  • three letters of reference or endorsement of the candidate.

The deadline for submission of nominations:  January 17, 2025.

The Selection Committee shall be the elected members of the Executive Committee (or its delegates), excluding those from the region from which the award recipients will be selected.

Nominations for the 2025 competition (Quebec Region) must be sent via electronic mail to:

SWAAC President
Dr. Donna Kotsopoulos
Western University
Email to:

*Diversity Statement

​SWAAC is committed to prioritizing equity in this application process. We especially encourage applications/nominations from students who identify as LGBTQ+, racialized, Indigenous and/or students with disabilities to apply for this award.

If you have any questions about the award or require further information please contact Megha Ajmani, SWAAC Registrar and Treasurer at

**biographical information usually includes information about former and current studies,  areas of interest, research, publications, other awards, interests outside the university, and community or volunteer work.  It’s usually in a narrative form, about 1-2 pages in length, and is an opportunity for the nominee to tell the adjudication committee some things about herself, and to explain at greater length her background/interests/passions/ambitions/volunteer work.

Recent Award Recipients

Tanille Butler

A Doctoral Candidate in Chemistry within the Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary and a recipient of the 2024 SWAAC Student Award in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Her research focuses on exploring the interactions between proteins and small molecules, with the aim of leveraging these insights to develop a biosensor that enhances diagnostic capabilities for joint diseases. Tanille is driven by a passion for identifying and addressing barriers to success within her community and initiating projects to create a more inclusive and equitable space for all. Tanille was elected twice as the Graduate Students’ Association President at the University of Calgary where she utilized her position to effect meaningful change. During her tenure, she founded the graduate student Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committee, securing $10,000 in funding to support initiatives that reduce barriers for marginalized communities. Furthermore, she increased availability and meaningfully simplified the process for graduate students to access $500,000 annually in financial bursaries aimed at supporting student’s mental health, well-being, and emergency incidentals. Tanille also organized educational workshops to raise awareness of EDI concerns, fostering critical discussions within the broader community, and increased awareness and access to mental health resources on and off campus. Tanille identified inequitable financial barriers for international student travelers during the coronavirus pandemic and thus co-developed a program with the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Graduate Studies. This initiative addressed logistical and financial issues surrounding mandatory hotel quarantines for international students arriving in Canada and secured over $72,000 in funding to cover such costs for approximately 120 students. As co-lead of the Service Committee at the University of Calgary’s Graduate College, Tanille initiated a technology collection program. This program collects and distributes electronic donations to newcomers and refugee families in Calgary as one way to support these vulnerable populations. Tanille is a leader in EDI initiatives within the communities she works, lives, and connects. 

1137 Western Rd, London Ontario N6G 1G7.

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