Research Fellowship Study Proposal Due:
December 15, 2023
Award Of Grant: July 31, 2024
Project Completion: July 31, 2025
Report Deadline: December 15, 2025
The primary objective of this research fellowship is to investigate the leadership and organizational challenges associated with women’s experiences in academic leadership roles and identify pathways to create sustainable change, ultimately rectifying the underrepresentation of women in senior academic positions. This initiative aims to both honor and gain deeper insights into the achievements and challenges of women leaders within academic institutions in Canada. It also seeks to advance and foster women’s leadership within Canadian universities, colleges, and technical institutes.
Grant Value:
As a recipient of the SWAAC Research Fellowship, you will receive a financial award of $10,000 to support your research. Eligible expenses are consistent with those outlined in Tri-Council principles guiding the appropriate use of grant funds and should be in accordance with your institutional policies. We expect your project to be completed by July 31, 2025, with the final report, including a budget summary, are due by December 15, 2025. Any unused funds following the completion of the project are expected to be returned to SWAAC. A six month extension for completion of your research is available upon request. Your findings will be shared on the SWAAC public repository, and you may be invited to present your report at the annual SWAAC Conference or through a webinar.
Please click here for more details and guidelines for proposals. For any queries, please contact SWAAC Registrar and Treasurer at
1137 Western Rd, London Ontario N6G 1G7.