
By-Laws / Statutes


The Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada was founded in 1987 to provide a forum and a collective voice for women in senior administrative ranks in Canadian universities. Because women experience conditions peculiar to them, SWAAC exists as an avenue for collegial support, innovation and action. Its programs will address issues of concern to women in academic administration, and the organization will from time to time issue public statements on academic and administrative concerns and on events affecting women in Canadian universities, colleges and technical institutes.

The primary purpose of SWAAC is the promotion of female leadership in Canadian universities, colleges and technical institutes through:

  • Developing and enhancing leadership skills
  • Mentoring future leaders
  • Recognizing exceptional leaders
  • Networking and communication
  • Promoting equity, diversity and inclusion

Eligibility Criteria

Higher education institutions that are diploma or degree granting, including universities, colleges, polytechnics, and Indigenous Institutes as defined by the Indigenous Institutes Act (2017) shall be eligible for membership in SWAAC as General Members :

Women who hold leadership positions ( academic or administrative ) in academic settings including but not restricted to the following:

  • President, Principal, Rector; Provost, Vice-President, Vice-Principal, Vice-Rector; Associate or Assistant Provost, Vice-President, Vice-Principal, Vice-Rector, or Vice-Provost, and
  • Dean, Vice Dean, Associate Dean, and Assistant Dean; and
  • Chair, Associate Chair, Assistant Chair of an academic or administrative department; and
  • Director of an academic unit or research institute/centre/laboratory, administrative unit, or equivalent position; and
  • Managers, coordinators, etc.

Women administrators who meet the above-noted criteria who wish to continue their affiliation with SWAAC beyond their administrative term may do so as  Members emeritae. Fees will be waived for Emeritae Members whose administrative term has ended, and who have retained membership for at least 5 years.

Women who hold similar positions in comparable institutions that are not members of  AUCC  or  ACCC  will be considered for membership upon application.

The following may join SWAAC as Associates :

  • Women administrators who hold positions equivalent to those listed above in national agencies that support Canadian higher education
  • Any woman who aspires to any of the positions listed as General Members above.

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for adjudicating eligibility for Member and Associate status.

Fees for Members and Associates

The annual fees for SWAAC Members and Associates will be set by a majority vote of members present at the Annual General Meeting. Payment of the fee entitles Members and Associates to attend the annual conference and to receive newsletters, membership lists, and other publications of the organization.

[The fee for 2024 is $100.00]


There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Members and Associates at the annual conference.

The annual conference will be held as near as possible to the start of May on a Thursday/Friday/Saturday, the specific date to be announced by the Conveners not later than September 15 of the fall prior to the conference.

The Co-Chair who is not acting as convener of the conference shall organize the agenda and chair the Annual General Meeting, or in his absence, a member of the Executive Committee, selected thereby, shall preside at the meeting.

All Members and Associates in attendance at the meeting shall have one vote on any question.

Women who are not Members or Associates of SWAAC may attend the annual conference, but will pay a higher registration fee and may not attend the Annual General Meeting.


National Executive Committee

There shall be a National Executive Committee  with the following membership structure and a commitment to ensure that appointments are representative of the two official language groups where appropriate:


  • 3 members from the Western provinces, with at least one member from the college sector
  • 3 members from Ontario, with at least one member from the college sector
  • 3 members from Quebec, with at least one member from the college sector
  • 3 members from the Atlantic provinces, with at least one member from the college sector

Ex officio:

Convener of the previous conference
Convener of the annual conference
Local Arrangements Coordinator (annual conference)
Registrar & Treasurer

Except in the case of ex officio members, appointments will be for 1 three-year term. An individual will be eligible for reappointment after a one-year lapse.

The Executive Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for presentation to the Annual General Meeting, and there may be nominations from the floor. Election to the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote of SWAAC members present at the Annual General meeting.

All members of the National Executive Committee must be Members of SWAAC. Failure to retain membership shall be tantamount to resignation from the Committee.

The terms of reference of the National Executive Committee are:

To set the agenda for the Annual General Meeting, including the development of proposals and reports, as appropriate

To assist the convener of the annual conference, as may be required


The past and current conference conveners will be Co-Chairs, ex officio

The annual conference convener shall be responsible for the program of the annual conference

The annual conference convener may appoint the Local Arrangements Coordinator.

The past conference convener shall chair the Annual General Meeting

There shall be a President and a Registrar & Treasurer who shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee.

Adopted: April 1992
Amended: April 1993
Amended: May 1997
Amended: May 1999
Amended: October 2002
Amended: April 2003
Amended: May 2006
Amended: May 2013
Amended: March 2020
Amended: April 2022
​Amended: May 2022

1137 Western Rd, London Ontario N6G 1G7.

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